eSPO is an online system that issues electronic acknowledgement certificate to the organisation that successfully implemented Productivity-Linked Wage System (PLWS). PLWS is a flexible wage system that reflects mutual benefit in which incentives are distributed in accordance to the performance or productivity of employees and employers respectively. It is an effective gain-sharing method to create a dynamic shared prosperity towards organisation competitiveness. eSPO is recognised by Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI), Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) and Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC).
PLWS is a flexible wage system that reflects mutual benefit in which incentives are distributed in accordance to the performance or productivity of employees and employers respectively.
Downloads excel template and key in your data. Data is private and confidential to the company. MPC will not store company data.
Assists company to understand productivity measurement; and provides performance or efficiency information of the company.
eSPO is an online certification to acknowledge companies with PLWS implementation.
All industries of different sizes from Manufacturing, Services, Construction, Agriculture and Mining and Quarrying and other sectors.
eSPO an Acknowledgement Certificate is recognised by Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI), Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) and Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC).
Organisations can participate by clicking:
Organisation scores are formulated based on the three components: Bonus Component, Productivity and Performance Component and Skill Incentive Component.
The organisation can re-submit AFTER THREE (3) MONTHS from the date of first submission.
MPC keep track on the issuance of eSPO Acknowledgement Certificate. For further information and clarification please contact MPC PLWS Unit or email
All requirement in eSPO must be met before the Acknowledgement Certificate is issued online. Organisations are also subjected for random clarification after the eSPO Acknowledgement Certificate is issued.
The organisation can re-print the Acknowledgement Certificate by entering the business registration number.
All data provided in eSPO is strictly confidential.
The Acknowledgement Certificate will be automatically revoked, and the organisation are banned from the system for two (2) years.
All information and data provided on this online assessment is for general information only. MPC and other parties involved in this website hereby expressly disclaim any and all liability connected with or arising from the use of the contents of the website. Permission is granted only to print eSPO electronic certificate for acknowledgement purposes only. Use of the material on this site for any other purpose (including reproduction for any party other than the foregoing and any amendment, modification and distribution) or without obtaining prior written consent from the MPC is strictly prohibited.
I/We hereby confirm that the information provided herein is accurate, correct and complete and that the documents submitted along with this form are genuine. I am aware that missing or incomplete information, whether deliberate or the result of negligence, may lead to revocation of my certification.