Industry4WRD Steering Committee (SC) Meeting 1/2025

Empowering Industries Through Innovation, Digitalization, and Smart Technologies

The Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), in its role as the secretariat for the Industry4WRD Steering Committee (SC), successfully convened the first Steering Committee meeting for the year 2025 on 18 February 2024. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Faizal, Senior Director of Industry Development at the Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI), and brought together key representatives from multiple government ministries and agencies to discuss policy updates, funding mechanisms, and strategic initiatives under the Industry4WRD framework. 

The meeting commenced with a formal review and endorsement of the minutes from the previous session. This step ensured that all prior decisions and resolutions were officially validated, providing a clear and structured reference for ongoing and future initiatives. The Steering Committee emphasized the importance of maintaining continuity and coherence in project execution to maximize the impact of Industry4WRD policies on Malaysia’s industrial landscape.

A key agenda item for the meeting was a comprehensive presentation by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) regarding recent amendments to the eligibility criteria for claims. The presentation provided clarity on the revised guidelines, outlining their implications for industry players and fund applicants. These amendments are expected to enhance the accessibility and efficiency of financial incentives under the Industry4WRD framework, ensuring a more streamlined approach to supporting the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector and related industries.

Further in the agenda, the Steering Committee reviewed the latest developments concerning the Industry4WRD Intervention Fund. MIDA presented an update on the approval status of fund applications, providing insights into the disbursement process, challenges faced in fund allocations, and potential areas for improvement. 

Meeting Attendees:

1) Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI)
2) Ministry of Economy (KE)
Ministry of Entrepreneur and 
3) Cooperative Development (MECD)
4) Ministry of Finance (MOF)
5) Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI)
6) Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
7) Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC)

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By REGIONAL OFFICE MPC February 20, 2025
Sesi yang dipengerusikan oleh Encik Superi bin Awang Said, Pengarah STIU, ini diadakan untuk membincangkan penyelarasan dan pelaksanaan inisiatif RKB/3R di peringkat Kerajaan Sarawak. Antara perkara yang turut dibincangkan adalah struktur tadbir urus projek, sesi latihan dan bimbingan, sesi lawatan simulasi dan forum transformasi perkhidmatan awam. #SarawakProduktif #SarawakMajuMakmur #MemacuProduktivitiNegara
By REGIONAL OFFICE MPC February 20, 2025
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By REGIONAL OFFICE MPC February 20, 2025
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By REGIONAL OFFICE MPC February 20, 2025
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By MMT MPC February 19, 2025
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By REGIONAL OFFICE MPC February 18, 2025
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