The second PEMUDAH Meeting for 2024 proceeded smoothly, with YB Rafizi Ramli, Minister of Economy chaired the meeting and 3 paper were presented. The gist of the three presentations delivered is outlined below:
Paper 1: Transforming Skilled Workforce: Work-Based Learning Approach Through Academy in Industry | presented by: YBrs. Mr. Mohamad Muzaffar Abdul Hamid, Director of MPC
This initiative has unveiled a groundbreaking solution: the suggested enhancement involves integrating a Work-Based Learning (WBL) model into the Academy In Industry, aimed at better harmonizing educational outcomes with industry demands, consequently nurturing a highly skilled workforce.
Paper 2: Localities Performance Assessment in Dealing with Construction Permits | presented by: YBhg. Datuk Ar. Ezumi Harzani Ismail Co-Chair, Technical Working Group Business Location (TWGBL)
The Locality Performance-Based Assessment initiative aims to improve the management of construction permits by localities. It employs an incentive- and performance-driven system to encourage competitiveness among Local Authorities (PBTs) by evaluating factors such as permit application efficiency, information clarity, transparency in communication, technical expertise, and regulatory adherence. Findings reveal significant disparities among localities in approval processes, varying by locality type and submission volume. Improvement opportunities include enhancing the OSC 3.0 Plus system, establishment of Certification Program for PSP, PBTs and technical agencies & setting up Technical Disputes committee.
Paper 3: Single Border Agency | presented by: YBrs. Mr. Johar bin Julasbi, Director, Malaysia Checkpoints and Border Agency (MCBA)
At the Cabinet Meeting on 3 January 2024, a decision has been made to establish a Malaysia Checkpoints and Border Agency (MCBA) under the Home Ministry to serve as a frontline body at the country’s entry points, including ports. The single border agency will have three main objectives: (i) To coordinate the functions of agencies currently stationed at entry points; (ii) To enhance the existing delivery system; and (iii) to uphold integrity. The proposed operational phases for the MCBA will span three phases, starting in January 2024 and ending in December 2025, covering 143 designated entry points. The establishment of the MCBA is aimed at achieving more efficient enforcement and control, resource optimisation, alignment of management and administration, standardisation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and strengthening of integrity.