Strategic Planning on NIMP 2030 - Smart Factory

Strategic Partnership between the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) and the Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC)

The deliberations centered on the strategic partnership between the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) and the Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) concerning the New Industrial Master Plan (NIMP) 2030 Mission-Based Project. A key initiative within this project is the 'smart factory' program, envisaging a seven-year mission aimed at the transformation of approximately 3000 factories into advanced 'smart factories.' Progressing from this point, in-depth discussions will transpire to formalize frameworks and guidelines essential for the successful implementation of the program.

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By MMT MPC February 18, 2025
The Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), in its role as the secretariat for the Industry4WRD Steering Committee (SC), successfully convened the first Steering Committee meeting for the year 2025 on 18 February 2024. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Faizal, Senior Director of Industry Development at the Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI), and brought together key representatives from multiple government ministries and agencies to discuss policy updates, funding mechanisms, and strategic initiatives under the Industry4WRD framework. The meeting commenced with a formal review and endorsement of the minutes from the previous session. This step ensured that all prior decisions and resolutions were officially validated, providing a clear and structured reference for ongoing and future initiatives. The Steering Committee emphasized the importance of maintaining continuity and coherence in project execution to maximize the impact of Industry4WRD policies on Malaysia’s industrial landscape. A key agenda item for the meeting was a comprehensive presentation by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) regarding recent amendments to the eligibility criteria for claims. The presentation provided clarity on the revised guidelines, outlining their implications for industry players and fund applicants. These amendments are expected to enhance the accessibility and efficiency of financial incentives under the Industry4WRD framework, ensuring a more streamlined approach to supporting the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector and related industries. Further in the agenda, the Steering Committee reviewed the latest developments concerning the Industry4WRD Intervention Fund. MIDA presented an update on the approval status of fund applications, providing insights into the disbursement process, challenges faced in fund allocations, and potential areas for improvement. Meeting Attendees: 1) Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI) 2) Ministry of Economy (KE) Ministry of Entrepreneur and 3) Cooperative Development (MECD) 4) Ministry of Finance (MOF) 5) Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) 6) Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) 7) Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC)
By REGIONAL OFFICE MPC February 18, 2025
MPC Wilayah Sabah (SBO) telah menerima kedatangan delegasi daripada Pusat Jaminan Kualiti (CQA) bersama Kluster Pengurusan Lean UMS untuk membincangkan peluang kerjasama bagi tahun 2025. Perbincangan meliputi pelbagai inisiatif MPC, termasuk usaha mempermudahkan penyampaian peraturan dalam urusan perniagaan, penerimaan teknologi untuk meningkatkan produktiviti peniaga, dan pelaksanaan program peningkatan bakat (ADI). Dalam sesi perbincangan ini, Puan Zuraini Hj. Hamdin, Timbalan Pengarah (Kualiti Perkhidmatan) CQA yang mengetuai delegasi, telah menyampaikan penghargaan serta ucapan terima kasih di atas kerjasama MPC kepada UMS selama ini . Beliau menyatakan harapan untuk jalinan kerjasama antara dua pihak dapat dieratkan semula. Pihak CQA juga berminat untuk menyertai sesi libat urus berkenaan program QE 5.0 untuk kesinambungan pelaksanaan program 5S yang pernah dijalankan sebelum ini.
By REGIONAL OFFICE MPC February 18, 2025
Pejabat Setiausaha Persekutuan Sabah (PSUPS) dengan Kerjasama Akademi Kenegaraan Malaysia (AKM) Negeri Sabah, Jabatan Perdana Menteri telah menganjurkan Seminar Kenegaraan Malaysia MADANI Penjawat Awam Persekutuan Negeri Sabah bagi inisiatif untuk menghayati konsep Malaysia MADANI yang diperkenalkan oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Seminar ini bertujuan membentuk penjawat awam untuk memahami peranan mereka dalam pembinaan negara bangsa dengan pendekatan MADANI yang merangsang pemikiran seperti klasik, moden, pascamoden dan pascanormal. Ucapan Alu-aluan dan pengenalan AKM telah disampaikan oleh YBhg. Datin Shonitah binti Terang, Pengarah AKM Negeri Sabah, Pejabat Perdana Menteri dan YBrs. Puan Mastina binti Ibnu Hassan, Timbalan SUP Sabah, PSUPS telah menyampaikan ucapan perasmian seminar ini. Sesi interaksi kenegaraan telah disampaikan oleh Encik Darwis bin Dawing, AKM Negeri Sabah, Pejabat Perdana Menteri dan YBrs. Dr. Mohamad Saifulbakri bin Yusoof, Penolong Pengarah Kanan, Unit Komunikasi Strategik, AKM telah menyampaikan ceramah Malaysia MADANI yang bertajuk “Malaysia MADANI: Era Pasca Normal”. Seramai 160 orang penjawat awam daripada Kementerian, Jabatan, Agensi Persekutuan telah menghadiri seminar ini. #SabahProduktifSabahMajuJaya
By MMT MPC February 18, 2025
Rentas Buana Venture, a company specializing in adventure tourism such as mountain climbing, camping, and cave exploration, recently underwent a physical assessment to renew their MaTEx Business Certification. This assessment not only evaluated safety and operational efficiency but also focused on productivity, ensuring that each adventure activity is optimized to provide the best experience for tourists while preserving environmental sustainability. Adherence to MaTEx standards proves that the company not only offers thrilling adventures but also prioritizes efficiency, safety, and service quality – with a strong focus on continuous productivity improvement to enhance operations and elevate the adventure tourism experience in Malaysia. #SayangiMalaysia #ProductiveTourism #TPN #MPC #MalaysiaProduktif #DrivingProductivityoftheNation
By REGIONAL OFFICE MPC February 17, 2025
Satu sesi kunjungan hormat oleh MATRADE Wilayah Timur ke pejabat MITI & Agensi di Kota Bharu telah diadakan bersempena lantikan Pn Amilatun Fazlina Zakaria sebagai pengarah baharu MATRADE Wilayah Timur berkuat kuasa 1 Januari 2025. Sesi ini melibatkan MITI Wilayah Kelantan, MPC Pejabat Kelantan, dan MIDF Wilayah Timur. Sesi produktif merangkumi perbincangan, perkongsian maklumat, dan pertukaran pandangan berkaitan senario ekonomi, perdagangan, dan industri di Negeri Kelantan telah diadakan di Pejabat MITI Kelantan. MPC turut berkongsi maklumat berkaitan status produktiviti Negeri Kelantan, perkara-perkara yang mempengaruhi produktiviti, dan kepentingan produktiviti serta kesannya terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi negeri. Selain itu, MPC turut berkongsi inisiatif yang dijalankan bagi meningkatkan pertumbuhan produktiviti negeri iaitu program peningkatan produktiviti sektor pertanian melalui projek penternakan ayam dan pembangunan ladang cili moden di bawah misi mempercepatkan penerimagunaan teknologi dan inovasi, serta program Reformasi Kerenah Birokrasi (RKB) yang bertujuan meningkatkan kecekapan perkhidmatan awam ke arah ekosistem perniagaan yang kondusif untuk memastikan pertumbuhan produktiviti yang lebih pantas. Pihak MATRADE turut berkunjung ke Pejabat MPC Kelantan, dan Pejabat MIDF Wilayah Timur yang masing-masing terletak bersebelahan di antara Pejabat MITI Kelantan dan satu sama lain di Aras 3, Wisma PERKESO, Kota Bharu, Kelantan
By MMT MPC February 17, 2025
The session highlighted the ongoing development of the Selangor Great Klang Valley (SGKV) initiative led by the Selangor State Government. Members of PSPN have been entrusted to provide support in key areas including Economy, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). It was noted that the services sector contributed over 63% to the GDP, while the manufacturing sector accounted for more than 27%. The proposed focus areas for the SGKV 2025 Blueprint study include Spatial and Land Use Coordination, Rejuvenation and Revitalisation Projects, Heritage Conservation Initiatives, and other sectoral proposals. Additionally, the blueprint aims to foster a sustainable environment by reducing carbon emissions and footprints, alongside the digitalization of administrative and management systems to ensure swift and effective decision-making and implementation. It was also agreed that a collective session involving all 14 Nexus Champions will be involved to gather valuable opinions and feedback essential for the development of the SGKV Blueprint and the Rancangan Selangor Pertama (RS1). The outcome of the programme is essential to rejuvenate the Greater Klang Valley as a dynamic New Economic Powerhouse by transforming from the current Business-as-Usual approach to a higher level of success, driven by ESG principles with strong economic impetus, and transcending all Productivity Nexus.
By REGIONAL OFFICE MPC February 15, 2025
Antara perkara yang telah dibincangkan dan dalam peringkat perlaksanaan adalah berhubung dengan penubuhan hub aerospace, pembangunan akta hidrogen oleh MOSTI, dan usaha menjadikan Sarawak sebagai pemain utama Strategi Semikonduktor Nasional (NSS). MITI juga menyarankan agar Sarawak memberi penumpuan kepada Industri Pembuatan Kapal Dagang. Ini adalah bagi mengurangkan kebergantungan Malaysia dalam mendapatkan perkhidmatan Kapal Dagang Asing. Mesyuarat ini telah dihadiri oleh lebih 20 agensi persekutuan dan negeri.
By MMT MPC February 14, 2025
The Workshop on Survey Development for the Retail and F&B Growth Roadmap aimed to gather industry insights and develop a data - driven roadmap for growth and sustainability in the sector. The session provided a platform for stakeholders to discuss key challenges, opportunities, and strategies for enhancing productivity. Participants shared valuable input to shape an effective roadmap that would support industry players in navigating future developments. This initiative reflects RFBPN’s commitment to strengthening Malaysia’s Retail and F&B industries, ensuring they remain competitive and adaptable to market changes. Attendees 1. YBhg. Datuk William Ng, Chairman, Retail and F&B Productivity Nexus (RFBPN) 2. Ms. Ang Lai Fun, Malaysia Shopping Malls Association 3. Ms. Christine Chua, Malaysia Shopping Malls Association 4. Ms. Pel Loh, Council Member, Malaysia Retailers Association (MRA) 5. Ms. Ivy Hew, Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), F&B Connects Sdn Bhd 6. Mr. Simon Wong, Director, F&B Connects Sdn Bhd 7. Ms. Rozalinawati Roslee, Deputy Director, Kementerian Ekonomi 8. Mr. Mohd Afandi Mohd Isa, Chief Assistant Director 9. Mr. Mohd Yazid Abdul Majid, Director, Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) 10. Dr. Halimahton Sa'diah Let, Director 11. Prof. Dr. Nuraisyah Chua Abdullah, MPC Associate (Expert) 12. Ms. Nurafiqah Farhani Ramzyza, MPC Associate 13. Ms. Lee Wan Wei, Senior Manager, MPC 14. Mr. Aiman Zakwan Zahari, Manager, MPC 15. Ms. Nor Adira Adnan, Assistant Manager, MPC 16. Ms. Putri Nabila Mustafa Kamal, Assistant Manager, MPC
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